Work Smarter with IoT

By now, you have likely heard the phrase “Internet of things,” or IoT. It has become a hot topic of discussion both inside and outside of the workplace. But what exactly is the “Internet of things?” IoT is the concept of connecting everyday objects (so long as they...

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The New Distributed Workforce

With remote teams of employees becoming much more commonplace, employers are tasked with effectively managing their distributed workforce. Many technologies exist to enable and control resources available to remote employees. Voice-over-Internet-Protocol, or VoIP,...

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Handling the Threat of Ransomware

"Ransomware" is the term used when hackers make the data on your network inaccessible to you until you pay a large ransom. The tools used for ransomware are no different than those used for traditional hacking but, instead of stealing data, criminals want to steal...

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