Apr 1, 2017 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
On first glance, it appears the free Wi-Fi available in hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, and even shopping malls is a boon to you and your employees. It gives you all the opportunity to access your network and be more productive from anywhere. Unfortunately, this...
Feb 28, 2017 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Most business owners today have made the smart choice to use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology to handle their voice communications. It provides dozens of productive business features and costs significantly less than traditional telephone technologies....
Feb 2, 2017 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Like other businesses, you have probably implemented software, a firewall and other security systems to protect your business data from being hacked and stolen. Theft, however, is not the only threat to business data these days. Now there’s ransomware....
Jan 4, 2017 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
One of the most critical elements of running a business today is having high-speed Internet service. It helps your employees be productive, it helps you manage your business, and it’s an effective way to communicate with your customers, vendors, and other...
Dec 1, 2016 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
In December of 2013, Kari Rene Hunt was stabbed to death by her estranged husband in a motel room in East Texas. Her 9-year-old daughter had tried to dial 9-1-1 several times during the attack, but was not able to because she did not know she had to first dial...
Nov 8, 2016 | IDeACOM Insights Newsletters
Moving your business to a new location can be based on wanting to give it more visibility, reduce overhead, get closer to your customers, or even moving closer to your home. Whatever your reason, you want as little interruption of your business operation as possible....
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